September 11, 2010

Human Spirit cannot be Crushed!

American Flag Mounted on Cedar Stump at Dogwood Ranch
Today is the ninth anniversary of that horrible day, September 11, 2001. This morning I was relieved that my next Speaking from the Ranch segment about Dogwood Ranch was not quite ready to post. I thought it would be disrespectful of the day and memory of those who died at the hands of terrorists to do something so trivial and meaningless as posting more of my ramblings to this blog. However, the more I thought about it, the more I decided a post was required of me to honor and respect those who died and suffered at the hands of terrorists that day, and other days since. No matter the terrorists' particular flavor of terror, creed, nationality or “cause”, these people desire to destroy our way of life and crush the human spirit of all people. We must show them that they failed and will always fail no matter where in world the repulsive violent acts occur because even from the depths of fear, despair, hatred and injustice, the human spirit and yearning to be free will bubble up, boil over and ultimately triumph.

We must pause and remember the day and honor and respect those lost, but mostly we must go on with our lives, chase our dreams, speak our minds and even continue the trivialities of life. This is the only way I know how to show those that wish to crush freedom because they fear it, that the American Way, the American Dream and the American Spirit are alive and well.



Pat said...

The flag is beaustiful and in a beautiful setting. I teared up yesterday (9/11) when I saw it.

I hope this post goes...I have been trying since yesterday! said...

The flag appears to be glowing against the dark background. A wonderful accompaniment to your blog.